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Currently reading

Pierre Lemaitre
The Glass Room
Simon Mawer
Peter the Great: His Life and World
Robert K. Massie
If I Can't Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children
Rebecca Morris, Gregg Olsen
Skin Deep
Neill Nugent
The Good Daughter
Karin Slaughter
A Boy in Winter
Rachel Seiffert
The Tie That Binds
Kent Haruf
The Idiot (Everyman's Library, #254)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
The Velvet Hours
Alyson Richman

The Pearl

The Pearl - John Steinbeck This was a bookclub read and a very small book one that can be read in one sitting, This is one of those books that when you read it you think ok that was a nice story and then when you discuss it you realise there is so much to this book, I enjoyed this story and I like the lessons that it conveys.