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Pierre Lemaitre
The Glass Room
Simon Mawer
Peter the Great: His Life and World
Robert K. Massie
If I Can't Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children
Rebecca Morris, Gregg Olsen
Skin Deep
Neill Nugent
The Good Daughter
Karin Slaughter
A Boy in Winter
Rachel Seiffert
The Tie That Binds
Kent Haruf
The Idiot (Everyman's Library, #254)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
The Velvet Hours
Alyson Richman

While My Eyes Were Closed

While My Eyes Were Closed - Linda Green There seems to have been a lot Novels published in the last six months with child abduction or child disappearances as the main theme and while I have read a few of these novels I am now tiring of the theme. I sometimes wonder if publishers encourage or set themes for novels which they think match the current market trends, last year it seemed to be titles containing the word girl and this year it seems to be books about missing children.

While my eyes were closed was fast paced and engaging. I especially liked the fact that it was told from the viewpoint of the several of the characters in alternating chapters and this really added to the overall understanding and feel for the story. The character of Muriel was interesting but I found most of the other characters flat and disappointing The ending felt a little rushed and I am not sure it was entirely believable. A three star read for me I liked it but didn't love it.