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Currently reading

Pierre Lemaitre
The Glass Room
Simon Mawer
Peter the Great: His Life and World
Robert K. Massie
If I Can't Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children
Rebecca Morris, Gregg Olsen
Skin Deep
Neill Nugent
The Good Daughter
Karin Slaughter
A Boy in Winter
Rachel Seiffert
The Tie That Binds
Kent Haruf
The Idiot (Everyman's Library, #254)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
The Velvet Hours
Alyson Richman

The Things They Carried

The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien The things they carried by Tim O Brien is a collection of twenty-two stories chronicling the author's recollections of his time as a soldier in the Vietnam War. About one third ways through the book I realised that this account was not entirely based on fact and that some of the stories were fiction and I did initially think that this was going to affect my ability to understand and gel with the characters and stories but I think the book was so well written that for me it seemed as if I was seeing the war through O'Brien's eyes and this overcame my need to know exactly what was fact and what was fiction.
I found this in my audio library and to be honest I did very little research on what exactly the book entailed because the narrator's voice was so amazing that I just got stuck in and what I great book I stumbled upon.

A few of the stories shocked and saddened me and one in particular will stay with me for a long time(On the Rainy River). I found the story (The Dentist) funny and was glad there was a little humour in there among all the sadness.

I am really glad I read this book and I hope to purchase a copy for my bookshelf, I can absolutely recommend the audio version of this one as the narrator was excellent.
