What a compelling and well written account of the Lost Town of Trochenbrod.
This is the true account about a town, a village and a thriving community of proud Jewish people that existed for a little over hundred years, the Jewish town of Trochenbrod in the Ukraine and how this this entire village of 3000 men, women and children were massacred by the Nazis in 1942 . The village itself was totally destroyed by fire and subsequently levelled out after World War II. Now sadly for relatives and decedent’s only fields and a forest can be found there.
I was was appalled by this account of evil and saddened for the decedents or families whose ancestors were part of this community. The book is certainly informative and very well written. I got a very good sense of the lives of the inhabitants of this town from the time of its beginning until this terrible tragedy happened.
This book contains photographs, eye witness accounts and the author’s own thoughts and observations. I loved reading the accounts of the town from its humble beginnings, to the account of the muddy streets, the descriptions of how families lived and the occupations of the inhabitants, very well described and very real in its telling.
A really worthwhile read which was concise and compelling and a book that will stay with me for a long time.