Road Ends by Mary Larson is set in Struan a fictional town in the North of Canada and revels the story of the intricacies and anguish of family life and how we face tragedy and the pull of responsibilities of family life.
I liked this novel but couldn't help wishing that I had read the author's first novel called Crow Lake and while Road Ends is a standalone novel there was references in the story that probably made more sense if you had read the first novel by this author. I have been told that there is a great sense of time and place from her first novel and wonderful descriptions of Canada.
The writing is strong and I love reading books set in Canada and I liked the descriptions of Canada in the grip of Winter and I loved reading about the dysfunctional Cartwright family. The story is told from three of the family's prospectives and the chapters flow between several years of these characters lives.
I would have liked a little more drama in the story which would have spiced up the novel but its a nice easy read and I may read her first two novels as they have got great reviews.