This is a wonderful feel good
true story about a street Cat named Bob and his owner a recovering heroin addict and the streets of London.
I don’t read books about animals but this sure pulled at my heart strings and made me realise everybody should experience the love of a pet at least once in their lives.
This is a story of love and devotion and how sometimes we are sent little signs of help and encouragement we just have to learn how to recognise them and I am sure that James was so happy that he paid attention to the cat hanging outside his apartment as his life was never the same again.
This is a wonderful feel good read, it’s an inspiring story and its very simply told and yet you must keep reminding yourself "this really happened" and it’s a story about a man and his beloved cat. This book made me realise you can
pass a man in the street without giving him a second glance but try passing a cute ginger cat with a man in the street and you will have eyes only for the cat If you are a cat/pet lover you will enjoy this book and it will put a smile on your face and if it doesn’t appeal to you check out youtube for " A street Cat named Bob" and fall in love with a cute kitty.