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Absolutist - John Boyne I really enjoyed this novel and found it an emotional read. While reading this book I exclaimed out loud and cried and for me this is the basis on which I award 5 stars, I try to write a review on a novel as soon as I can after putting the book down as I like my review to express my feelings of the book when I closed the covers be that good bad or indifferent. The absolutist had me so emotionally charged that I was thinking about the story even when I was not reading it.

The Absolutist is a wartime story and deals with the relationship between two young soldiers Tristan and Will. The story is narrated by Tristan. I loved the characters in this novel and felt that they were very well written. I first came across the subject and storyline of this novel in a wonderful book called [bc:Private Peaceful|1033348|Private Peaceful|Michael Morpurgo|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1180383975s/1033348.jpg|2454980][a:Michael Morpurgo|8080|Michael Morpurgo|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1260905000p2/8080.jpg] and have since been very interested in the subject. I love the flow of the Absolutist and think this is a very touching story very simply told I dont want to write too much about this story as I think its a book you have to read for yourself, I have read [bc:The Boy in the Striped Pajamas|39999|The Boy in the Striped Pajamas|John Boyne|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1366228171s/39999.jpg|1148702] by John boyne and it was for me just an ok read however his book[bc:The House of Special Purpose|6421824|The House of Special Purpose|John Boyne|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328385422s/6421824.jpg|6611043] I absolutely loved. For me this book was a real page turner and a great story.