A mystery novel by shirley Jackson written in 1962 and the auhor's final work. The novel is written in the voice of 18 year old mary katherine "Merricat " Blackwood who resides with her Uncle and sister on their estate in Vermont. Not long ago there were seven Blackwoods until a dose of arsenic found its way into the sugar bowl.......
This was my first Shirley Jackson Novel and I really enjoyed her writing style and loved her characters. I enjoy novels where the author lets the reader be part of the story in that she allows you to use your imagination and this works well in this particular novel.
This was a strange book however I didn't get the creepiness or supernatural element I was expecting from this one and while I enjoyed the read I wanted a little more from this one but sadly it didn't deliver.
However I enjoyed the read and look forward to reading something else by this author in 2019.