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Currently reading

Pierre Lemaitre
The Glass Room
Simon Mawer
Peter the Great: His Life and World
Robert K. Massie
If I Can't Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children
Rebecca Morris, Gregg Olsen
Skin Deep
Neill Nugent
The Good Daughter
Karin Slaughter
A Boy in Winter
Rachel Seiffert
The Tie That Binds
Kent Haruf
The Idiot (Everyman's Library, #254)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
The Velvet Hours
Alyson Richman

Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen What would be considered a romantic Rom Com in today’s Reading world, Northanger Abbey is more a fanciful, whimsical read that really didn't do anything for me. I am more a fan of the Bronte sisters as feel their novels are more intense and atmospheric whereas Austen tends to be more lighthearted and romantic in my opinion.

I came across this on Audible Original narrated by Emma Thompson and stuck for something to listen to on a car journey I figured I would give it a try. Unfortunately this was in performance style and was like listening to a play which doesn’t work for me, however I stuck with it to the end as it wasn't the worst book I ever listened to but this may have been down to Emma Thomson’s performance as on of the narrator.

A coming of age story about 17 year old Catherine Moreland who on a trip to Bath meets and falls in love with Henry Tilley a handson young clergyman. . I understand that this was one of her first novels and she may not have intended on having it published. It’s a satire of the popular gothic fiction of Austen’s day.

Another Classic crossed off my TBR list but not a book for my favourites shelf.