
Having just recently had the opportunity to visit the fairy tale castle of Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria, German which was home to King Ludwig II. I picked up this short book on his life and was really pleased with this compact but informative read. Certainly a case of good things come in small packages.
The castle was Walt Disney's inspiration for his Disney's Fairy Tale Castle.
Kind Ludwig has a fascinating but tragic story and while reading many books on German history I remember him being referred to as "Mad Kind Ludwig" but having read this book and listened to tour guides I think its a more a case he who dares be different will suffer the consequences of the times and be deemed mad if he is eccentric or different.
A superb little book that is well written and informative with plenty of images. I would consider this well worth the read for anyone intending on visiting this castle or indeed who wish to know a little more about this fascinating historical figure and his legacy of stunning Bavarian Castles.
image: <img src=""