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The Cuckoo's Calling

The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith <2.5 Stars</b>

The Cuckoo's calling was just an ok read for me. I had put off reading this book for quite a while as I just didn't think it this type of crime fiction would suit me.

I purchased this as an audio book and while the narration was average I found the dialogue just way too repetitive and too much.
The story is a basic " who done it" type of story, nothing really sets it apart from regular crime novels.
I felt the author never gives the reader credit that if the clues were presented throughout the story then maybe the fun in reading the book would have been trying to work out who the murderer was. Instead the ending is neatly wrapped up and the reader may be satisfied that the murder was solved nothing is left to the imagination and for me this was disappointing.

As crime fiction goes this book was just ok but nothing special. The plot was pretty tedious with bland characters who were not complex or interesting enough to give the story an edge and I was left with just a feeling of another book finished for January, lets move on to the next.

Another problem I found with the book was the detective work was very descriptive and I was tired of all the interviews and yet I never got a sense of time or place from the novel which was disappointing.

To sum it up and ok read but not one I will be recommending to my friends.